Dashboard Components
Dashboard Components
Dashboard components are the building blocks that display your data in an accessible and interactive manner. Common components include:
Server Table
Description: Displays data stored on the server in table format. This component pulls data from large databases or server-based data sources and presents it to the user.
Working Location: Server-side.
Example Usage: Used to present a company’s sales data from a central server in table format. Provides fast access to large datasets using SQL queries. SELECT * FROM sales_data WHERE year = 2023
Client Table
Description: Displays data stored on the client-side in table format. Typically used for small and local datasets.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to present a small business’s daily stock data from local storage in table format. SELECT * FROM local_stock_data
Pivot Table
Description: Presents data in pivot table format. This component facilitates dynamic grouping, summarization, and analysis of data.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to analyze monthly sales figures by product category for a sales department. SELECT product_category, SUM(sales_amount) FROM sales_data GROUP BY product_category
Content Box
Description: Used to display free-form content such as text, images, or HTML content. Ideal for providing information or explanations to the user.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to display text or images explaining the purpose of the report on a dashboard. <div>
<h2>Sales Report</h2>
<p>This report shows the sales data for the year 2023.</p>
Pie Chart
Description: Visualizes data in the form of a pie chart. It displays the proportions of data slices visually.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to show the proportions of total sales from different product categories. SELECT product_category, SUM(sales_amount)
FROM sales_data
GROUP BY product_category
Donut Chart
Description: Similar to a pie chart but with a hole in the middle, showing data percentages.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to show the proportions of total revenue from different customer segments. SELECT customer_segment, SUM(revenue)
FROM revenue_data
GROUP BY customer_segment
Polar Area Chart
Description: Displays data in a polar coordinate system in area chart format. Used to visually compare different data groups.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to compare the annual performance of different departments. SELECT department, performance_score
FROM performance_data
Line Chart
Description: Displays data in the form of a line chart. Used for visualizing time series or continuous data.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to show the annual revenue changes of a company. SELECT month, revenue
FROM monthly_revenue
WHERE year = 2023
Vertical Bar Chart
Description: Visualizes data as vertical bars. Used to compare data across different categories.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to compare the sales performance of different departments. SELECT department, sales
FROM department_sales
Horizontal Bar Chart
Description: Visualizes data as horizontal bars. It is the horizontal version of the vertical bar chart and is used for comparing categories.
Working Location: Client-side.
Example Usage: Used to show the stock levels of different products. SELECT product_name, stock_level
FROM product_inventory
Reportql Parameter Usage Guide
Reportql simplifies data visualization for users by allowing the use of various parameters. Below is a guide explaining the usage of different parameter types and their integration with dashboard elements.
Static Content
Description: Used to display specific text, images, or fixed information. Ideal for providing static information on the dashboard.
Example Usage: Dashboard title, description text, or fixed graphic. SELECT ‘Report Title’ AS Title, ‘This dashboard displays a specific data set.’ AS Description
Description: Allows users to input free text. Ideal for fields like username, description, or comments.
Example Usage: Username filter or comment field. WHERE user_name = @userName
Description: Allows users to input integer values. Used for numerical data like age, quantity, or ranking values.
Example Usage: Age filter or product quantity. WHERE age = @userAge
Description: Allows users to select dates. Facilitates data entry in date format.
Example Usage: Filtering data between start and end dates. WHERE transaction_date BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
Description: Allows users to confirm an option. Used for binary choices like true/false or yes/no.
Example Usage: Filtering for active/inactive users. WHERE is_active = @isActive
Static Dropdown
Description: Allows users to select from predefined options. The list is fixed and cannot be changed.
Example Usage: Selection of gender, country, city. WHERE country = @country
Query Dropdown
Description: Allows users to select from options dynamically pulled from a data source.
Example Usage: Product list, customer list. SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE category = @category
Static User
Description: Allows users to select other users registered in the system. Typically used for task assignment or responsibility designation.
Example Usage: Selecting a project manager. WHERE assigned_to = @userId
Description: Provides auto-completion suggestions from predefined options as users enter text.
Example Usage: Tags, product names, customer names. SELECT customer_name FROM customers WHERE customer_name LIKE ‘%’ + @autoparam + ‘%’
Dashboard Parameter Settings
These parameters are configured to affect dashboard elements. For example, selecting a date range can limit data visualization to a specific time period.
With this guide, you can optimize your data visualization processes and create user-friendly dashboards using Reportql.
Last updated